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Bid Protests

Construction Law Firm » Bid Protests

Why You Should Never Hire An Unlicensed Contractor In Florida

July 18, 2024|Blog, Contractor Disputes, Unlicensed Contractor|

The construction industry is tightly regulated in Florida, mainly to protect the safety and well-being of the public and the integrity and reputation of the industry. Professional construction licenses help maintain control and standards. The requirement for contractors to have the necessary qualifications, experience, insurance, and licenses is a [...]

Understanding the Operation and Enforcement of the Florida Construction Lien Law

March 25, 2024|Construction Liens, Construction Litigation|

The Construction Lien Law in Florida authorizes parties who provide labor and materials for construction contracts, and professional service providers, such as architects, landscapers, engineers, interior designers, and land surveyors to file a lien as security for payment. The law also protects the property owner from paying a general [...]

Filing a Complaint Against a Contractor in Florida

February 26, 2024|Construction Disputes, Contractor Disputes|

Construction contracts in Florida should clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of each party during a building project. Generally, most eventualities are covered by a well-drafted contract, but contractor disputes do sometimes arise. A property owner may be unsatisfied with a contractor’s work, professionalism or adherence to the terms [...]

What You Need to Know About Construction Litigation in Florida

December 21, 2023|Construction Litigation|

Construction disputes are relatively common within Florida’s construction industry, which remains robust and flourishing. Disputes can lead to construction litigation, a complex legal process that can become quite daunting for property owners, contractors, subcontractors, or whichever parties are involved in the dispute. It’s important to understand what’s involved in [...]

Bid Protests, Bid Disputes & Public Contracting in Florida

July 20, 2023|Bid Protests, Blog, Construction Disputes, Public Contracting|

With the high stakes at play in public construction contracts, bid protests and disputes are relatively common among contractors in Florida.Bidding is critical to the success of a construction business and being adversely affected by an erroneous, unfair, or biased decision can impact the financial security of contracting companies.If you [...]

What are Some Common Disputes in Commercial Construction?

June 15, 2023|Blog, Commercial Construction, Construction Disputes|

When a commercial construction contract is signed, everybody hopes that the project will be completed as planned — on time and within budget. But the inherent complexities in construction projects mean that few proceed without some hiccups — and, in the worst cases, full-blown disputes arise. Contractors, subcontractors, material [...]

DeVos Family Foundation Donates $95K to Harbor House to Combat Domestic Abuse with Family Justice Center

March 24, 2023|Blog|

Harbor House of Central Florida, a nonprofit that helps domestic abuse survivors, has received a donation of $95,000 from the DeVos Family Foundation. This donation will enable Harbor House to establish the Family Justice Center, which will provide wraparound services for families seeking services under one roof. This initiative is [...]

5 Ways to Improve Collaboration in Construction

November 7, 2022|Blog|

With the increasing complexity of construction projects, effective collaboration has become increasingly critical for completing projects on time and on budget, while still delivering high quality results. Collaboration can lead to innovation, cost savings, and added value for the client, as well as reduced errors and unneeded rework. True collaboration [...]

Types of Construction Delays

August 18, 2022|Blog|

Construction delays are a common issue in Florida construction projects. There are a number of different types of construction delays that can occur, and each one can cause significant pain points for contractors, design professionals, and property owners. In this article, we will discuss the different types of construction [...]

Contract Disputes

July 7, 2020|Blog|

When you are involved in a construction contract dispute, it is crucial that you get proper legal representation. Contracts are legally binding agreements that need to be understood by all parties involved and when disputes arise, they are difficult to navigate and resolve. At Bennett Legal Group, we have extensive [...]

Coronavirus and Construction Management

June 15, 2020|Blog|

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the construction industry as a whole, construction management needs to organize how they are proceeding as the virus progresses. The geographic location of projects and business operations, like the expansion of the virus itself, is influencing the ongoing impact and resulting conditions for [...]

Payment Bond & Lien Filing Deadlines: Terms to Know

September 25, 2019|Blog|

If you are in the construction industry, you are probably familiar with payment bond claims and liens and the importance of them in making sure you and your construction or design firm get paid. Missing a deadline for filing a lien or payment bond claim can have severe consequences for [...]

Why Choose Bennett Legal Group?

August 14, 2019|Blog|

As you are searching for an attorney, whether for a specific need or for ongoing needs, you may wonder exactly how you should go about choosing the right attorney for you. We would encourage you to look into different firms and find the right one for you – legal work [...]

Business Litigation 101

May 7, 2019|Blog|

We have many business clients who come to us facing business-related disputes and are unsure of where to even begin. After all, these are business professionals well versed in their business, not attorneys or lawsuits. We always start by walking our clients through the process but want to give all [...]

Settlements v. Trials – Which is Best?

May 1, 2019|Blog|

This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get. Should my case go to trial or should I settle? The answer is – it depends. Each case is different and each client has different considerations to take into account as well as different priorities for the resolution of [...]

Construction Disputes: What is Arbitration?

April 16, 2019|Blog|

Many construction projects involve disputes at some point in the process. If you are managing a construction firm, you’ve likely experienced disputes on a number of projects. What happens when there’s a dispute? In some cases, the dispute goes to trial before a judge or jury. But in many other [...]

Reducing Financial Exposure by 87%

October 1, 2018|Case Studies|

We regularly represent construction and design firms in high-stakes litigation. We represent our clients vigorously and mitigate any potential fall-out from their legal issues. While our goal is always to eliminate any fall-out, sometimes mitigation is what our client needs. Whatever the case, we work with our clients to understand [...]

Robots: The Future of The Construction Industry

June 30, 2018|Blog|

20 years ago, this might have sounded like the name of a sci-fi movie. Today, it’s a realistic prediction of the future. As we type this, there is a robotics company that is working on creating military-grade applications and powered prosthetic limbs. This work is aimed at relieving some of [...]

Are you Protecting Your Roadside Contractors?

June 20, 2018|Blog|

Between 2015 and 2016, roadwork construction worker fatalities increased by 7%. The Federal Highway Administration attributes this rise to a few different factors: increased traffic, increased roadside construction projects and distracted driving. While we probably can’t control increased traffic and the increase of construction projects is a positive thing for [...]

Is your Florida Construction Company Prepared for an Audit?

May 31, 2018|Blog, Construction Compliance, Construction Disputes|

Let’s face it: no one likes to hear the word “audit” in any context. Unfortunately, construction audits are a reality for many construction projects. Audits are most likely seen in projects that involve contracts with a cost-plus-fee, cost-plus-fee with a guaranteed maximum price or time and materials framework. Because [...]

OSHA’s Revised Silica Rule Now in Effect

May 17, 2018|Blog|

After a 30-day compliance extension, the Occupational Safety and Health Commission (OSHA) is now enforcing the provisions of the new silica rule. There are enforcement guidelines that have been provided until the compliance directives are finalized. This rule has been met with both enthusiasm and criticism. Many companies say they [...]

Tips for a Successful P3 Project

May 3, 2018|Blog|

Public-private partnerships (P3s) are becoming increasingly popular. The U.S. government is using these types of relationships more and more for infrastructure projects. Studies show adopting a P3 structure for a project can result in a very positive outcome as opposed to using standard contracting methods. Regardless, government agencies are still [...]

New AIA Revised Contract A201

April 14, 2018|Blog|

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has published form contract documents for over 130 years, which are commonly used and quite popular. In 2017, their documents were revised and updated. Prior to that, the last revision was in 2007. While there are quite a few documents that have been changed, [...]

How to Not be Victimized by the Latest Internet Fraud Scheme

April 5, 2018|Blog|

Beware: The Latest Internet Fraud Scheme Since the dawn of the modern internet, scammers have found increasingly sophisticated ways to defraud the public. “Email Phishing” is a common form internet fraud where a scammer attempts to persuade someone to provide their personal information over the internet. Most probably know that [...]

Multi-Million Dollar Delay

March 2, 2018|Case Studies|

Developed and litigated the defense of an internationally known architectural firm against the multi-million dollar delay and disruption claims of a plaintiff general contractor related to a theme park hotel project. The matter between the architect and general contractor was resolved via confidential settlement agreement. The matter was litigated on [...]

Defense of General Contractor Against Multi-Million Dollar Defect Claims

February 26, 2018|Case Studies|

Developed and litigated the defense of a general contractor against the multi-million dollar construction defect claims of a plaintiff theme park owner related to a hotel/convention center project. The matter between the owner and general contractor was resolved via confidential settlement. We continued to litigate the general contractor’s affirmative claims [...]

Miami-Dade Airport

February 19, 2018|Case Studies|

Developed and litigated the defense of the Miami-Dade County Aviation Authority in a multi-million dollar case for alleged wrongful termination of a construction contract. The contract at issue was related to the expansion of the Miami-Dade County Airport and was litigated in both federal and state court. The matter was [...]

Theme Park Litigation

February 1, 2018|Case Studies|

Developed and litigated the E&O claims of a plaintiff theme park owner against the designers/builders of several attractions. The action involved litigation in various state and federal courts, culminating in an extensive multi-media presentation at mediation with several of the defendant design professionals and their E&O liability carrier.

Delay Claims and Change Order

January 24, 2018|Case Studies|

Developed and litigated the claims of plaintiff restaurant owner against the delay claims and change order claims of general contractor. General contractor’s claims exceeded $1.2 million. The action was arbitrated over a three-week period under AAA rules. The owner’s claim included the use of multi-media presentations of substantive evidence and [...]

Theme Park Prosecution

January 10, 2018|Case Studies|

Developed and prosecuted the claims of a plaintiff theme park owner against the designer/builder of an attraction. The action was arbitrated over a three-week period before an international panel of arbitrators sitting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada under the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Rules. The plaintiff’s claims presentation included extensive [...]

School Board and General Contractor

January 1, 2018|Case Studies|

Prepared for trial and mediation the defense of claims by the Charleston, SC school board against the general contractor of a new high school. After handling all aspects of discovery and depositions in the case, the matter was settled at a complex mediation involving 30 parties, 2 mediators and spanning [...]

Welcoming Michelle B. Kane to BLG!

December 11, 2017|Blog|

We are pleased to announce that Michelle B. Kane has joined our legal team of Counsel. She has a strong track record and deep legal expertise in the construction industry. Michelle’s addition to the Bennett Legal Group will enhance our ability to serve our clients across the complexities of construction [...]

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