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Maitland Construction Litigation Attorneys

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Construction Litigation Attorneys in Florida: Bennet Legal Group

Bennett Legal Group in Maitland, proudly serving all the state of Florida, excels in the nuanced field of construction law, offering specialized expertise in construction litigation. From owners and design teams to contractors and subcontractors, large-scale construction projects involve a myriad of stakeholders, often leading to conflicts and communication breakdowns. Bennett Legal Group rises to the challenge, providing skilled advocacy that delves into contracts, statutory and case law, and a deep understanding of each case’s facts.

In construction law disputes, having a strategic legal partner is paramount. Bennett Legal Group’s seasoned team represents a diverse clientele, including owners, insurers, and contractors. With a commitment to efficient and effective dispute resolution, we navigate the complexities of construction litigation, ensuring our clients receive comprehensive legal support tailored to safeguard their interests in the intricate landscape of construction law.

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What is construction law in Florida? 

Broward County’s flourishing construction industry is subject to a variety of construction laws – legal guidelines that govern all residential and commercial construction projects in the state.

With so many different parties generally involved in construction projects, it is no surprise that legal complications can arise. On top of this, regulatory issues often arise according to the provisions made in federal, state, or local legislation.

Disputes between contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, owners, developers, architects, engineers and other parties often require early legal intervention for the best results.

The stakes are high with construction projects and, with so many different parties involved, the level of complexity is ratcheted up. This makes it critical to receive the right construction law advice from a Florida construction lawyer to settle disputes and construction contract issues, assist with negotiations and mediation, maintain compliance with regulations and, wherever necessary, proceed with litigation.

The team of construction litigation attorneys at Bennett Legal Group has considerable real-world experience in the engineering and construction industries. We have been helping to resolve problems for construction companies and their contractors in the Orlando area and beyond for decades.

How can a construction litigation lawyer help? 

Despite the term “construction litigation”, much of the work we do is concerned with keeping disputes out of the courtroom.

If contracts are drafted with the necessary planning and legal knowledge, disputes can be prevented from occurring in the first place. Any disputes that do arise during construction projects have a good chance of being resolved using alternative dispute resolution methods rather than litigation.

By their nature, residential and commercial construction projects require input from numerous professionals. This means that planning and contracts are essential for the successful completion of these projects.

Embarking on high-stakes construction projects without legal advice and guidance may expose you to risks and liabilities on several levels.

A construction litigation attorney can protect your interests in contracts, mitigate your risks, and prevent problems from occurring. It is important, therefore, to consider the advantages of hiring a construction lawyer before signing contracts, i.e., before the project starts rather than when a dispute begins.

Problems with construction projects can be expensive, time-consuming, and stressful but so can the litigation process. Most companies want to avoid a court trial if possible. Besides the delays to projects and the costs involved, long-term reputational damage may be caused to the company if it has breached regulations or construction law.

If the issue is not with contracts but with defective work, delays, malpractice or another area, litigation may be required – but there may also be other solutions.

At Bennett Legal Group, the legal advice we provide upfront will help protect your rights and avoid problems once your project starts but if you do run into legal problems requiring litigation, we are ready.

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Construction Litigation Attorneys Proudly Serving All Florida

The team at Bennett Legal Group has been providing the following construction law services in the Orlando area and throughout Florida for decades:

Construction Litigation

If other legal options are exhausted, we will help you file a construction lawsuit and are prepared to take your matter to a trial to settle it. We have experienced construction litigation attorneys in Florida with a long track record of success for clients…

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Many times, mediation or arbitration can be a less time-consuming and more cost-effective way to settle disputes in construction projects. We can facilitate these sessions to save you the expense of a courtroom battle…

Contract Disputes

Contact disputes involving the rights and responsibilities of parties in contracts are the most common in construction. Our attorneys represent owners, general contractors, design professionals, subcontractors and suppliers…

Construction Defects

If the value of your building, home, condominium, or other property has decreased due to a defect in design or workmanship, our attorneys have access to a network of independent experts to help you prove it and receive the compensation you deserve.  We are also very experienced in defending against construction defect claims…

Delay and Extra Work

Whether construction delays have been caused by labor disruption, unavailability of materials, engineering revisions or inadequate site plans, it increases project costs. We can represent owners, contractors, or design professionals in claims…

Malpractice Defense

Our experience in defending architects and engineers facing design or contract administration malpractice claims is an advantage. Our attorneys have assisted professionals in many fields involved in major projects like hotels and airports, as well as smaller claims…

Professional Liability

If you are a construction professional facing a professional liability issue, our attorneys will seek an effective resolution, no matter how challenging the issue is. We advise and defend contractors, engineers, architects, project managers, surveyors and other consultants…

Insurance Coverage Disputes

Whether your insurance coverage dispute involves state or federal law, we are experienced at representing insurance companies, businesses, and professionals in arbitration and mediation proceedings as well as at trial and appellate levels if necessary…

Payment Disputes

Payment disputes are common in construction projects where large sums of money are involved and delays cause serious issues for everyone concerned. We will help you explore all avenues of dispute resolution so that the outcome is in your best interests…

Business litigation

When business disputes arise, our goal is to help clients develop the most cost-effective and goal-oriented strategy possible, whether that is a negotiated settlement or trial. We can represent construction businesses large and small…

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Filing a construction claim or a pre-claim 

Filing a construction claim is the standard way to begin the construction litigation process.

During construction projects, disputes may arise over payments, performance, insurance, compliance, professional conduct, and so on.

Our construction litigation attorneys can prepare the notices and liens required to take legal action, enforce the terms of the contract, recover compensation, and so on. We can also defend certain parties in construction disputes.

For instance, in a case where payment has not been made, a construction company may request a mechanic’s lien to be placed on a building or building site. This is a charge or encumbrance to assure payment for its labor, services, or materials.

What is pre-claim assistance?

Pre-claim assistance can be a valuable way to avoid expensive litigation and help preserve business relationships.

With construction projects, many entities usually work together for a successful outcome and, when disputes arise, it is easy for these relationships to be irreparably damaged.

By exploring alternative routes to resolve your issues, you may be able to keep your project on track without involving the courts.

Explore the legal options for your construction claim 

Suing is only one legal option open to construction industry entities if there is a dispute to settle.

Generally speaking, the earlier you seek help and legal advice, the more likely it is that we can help you keep your matter out of the courtroom.

If you seek help as soon as you identify a problem, we can help prevent a minor issue from escalating into a full-scale dispute or a legal claim.

In many cases, the disputing parties can resolve matters through alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation or arbitration. These are practical approaches to business disputes that can save on costs and delays.

Book a construction dispute consultation Today

If you are facing complex contractual issues, liability issues, compliance concerns or a construction dispute, the stakes are likely high for you and the project.

Expert legal counsel from a knowledgeable team of construction litigation attorneys with experience in these types of matters can be the difference between expensive delays and being able to move ahead.

At Bennett Legal Group in Florida, we aim to prevent legal issues from escalating and adversely impacting futures.

Call us today at 407-734-4559 to arrange a consultation, or complete a short form and let us know the nature of your issue.

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